Volunteer Recognition Day honors the legions of volunteers who dedicate themselves to causes and helping others. They are making big and small differences in the lives of millions of people all over the world. They are saving lives. They are improving lives and providing comfort. They assist people, animals, and nature.

Most volunteers do not ask for recognition. They just want to  help and to “give back” where they can.

In documenting special and unique days, this author attempts to avoid editorializing, and keeps to reporting the facts. But, I will step away from the norm when speaking to this topic. It is vital and essential that more people get involved. There are so many groups and causes that need volunteer efforts. And, the needs are so broad and urgent, that everyone can find someplace to volunteer and make a difference.

Celebrate this “Volunteer Recognition Day by:

  • Thanking volunteers for their work
  • Getting involved yourself in a volunteer activity.
  • Donating to a volunteer group

BTW: Volunteers are keeping a big secret from those that don’t volunteer. Volunteer activities are energizing and rewarding. And, it is is lots of fun and camaraderie. Try it and you will see!

Origin of “Volunteer Recognition Day”:

Our research did not find the creator, or the origin of this day. We found many, many local and group “Volunteer Days”. But, today is the only day to recognize volunteers in general.

About The Author

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