Urban SociaLites, LLC known as USL is an online marketing, social media, and TV network. Our company established in 2010, provides services such as Video Production, Public Relations, Image Consultant, Artist/Product

Development, Life Coaching, and other services to individuals and businesses. We are vested in helping you to get your brand to shine. In addition, our social media component attracts and keep users stimulated as we share new and creative facts each month. There is always something thought-provoking that you can learn from our community, which will help enhance your life or uplift someone’s day.

Additionally, watch our online TV network called the USL Network design to promote positive programming that reflect our contemporary style of cool, hip, and colorful. Our network shows consist of New Music NJ, Jerz Hot Spots, & Jerz Life TV. Each show brings its own unique and robust element to our network, which makes our brand authentic as we pioneer a powerful platform for future online networks to follow.

Furthermore, we have an interactive community that allows visitors and guests to create their own profile, post upcoming events, sign up for webinars, and more.  Urban SociaLites is gradually moving towards becoming the leading online internet source where you will find original, organic, positive, and innovative content that will leave you feeling empowered. We inspire you to evolve and be a part of something that’s bigger than yourself!