By Ayasha Roberson

Happy Tuesday and I pray that you are enjoying your day. Since it is Tip Tuesday, I would like to share with you my morning routine as a single person. I don’t have any children and I am not married yet, but that doesn’t mean that my mornings don’t become a little chaotic at times. As a business owner and a full time employee working 2nd shift which is from 4pm to midnight, I have create a morning routine for myself that has given me a sense of discipline, structure, and balance. Here are my seven morning routine tips that I use to keep myself focus throughout the day and week.

Tip 1: Prayer

I am an earlier bird by nature if I go to bed at 1am, my body will automatically wake up around 6:30am. Each day, I wake up I thank God for allowing me to see another day. I don’t always say a prayer in the morning, however, I like to recognize and give thanks to God. In addition, every morning I participate in a prayer line Monday thru Friday at 7am EST. I love to listen to the prayer warriors lead in prayers each morning as we pray for so many people including ourselves who are in need of healing. (I will be discussing my prayer life in a future post).

Tip 2: Eating Breakfast

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I like to make oatmeal each morning expect on Sundays. I don’t like to make the instant oatmeal because it is unhealthy as it is packed with loads of sodium and sugar. I make my oatmeal on the stove top along with a hard boil egg and a piece of fresh fruit. For me my breakfast has to be healthy and nutritious which in return will give my body a good source of energy throughout the morning.

Tip 3: Taking Vitamins

Right now, I am taking a prenatal vitamins because it has everything in it including iron. As you know most women are diagnosed with iron deficiency and for years I used to take a multi-vitamin along with iron pill which I would forget to take most of the time. Now, I would rather take one vitamin that will give me all the nutrients that I need than take two pills. Also, I take a high blood pressure medication along with an oral acne medication daily. Taking my vitamins daily are essential to my overall health and physical well being.

Tip 4: Dental Care

I brush and floss my teeth after I have eaten breakfast. I have to floss after I brush my teeth due to developing cavities and having a thick tartar build up on my teeth. As a child, my parents would always take me to my regular routine visits and check ups, however, as an adult I neglected my teeth, which resulted with me losing one of my teeth. Moreover, six years ago, I went to the dentist and I had 8 cavities, which I had to pay for out of pocket. To this day, I still have flashbacks of having that long Novocaine needle injected into my mouth, which was so painful. Now, I appreciate my teeth and have learned how important it is to take care of them. (I will be discussing my dental care and experience on a future post).

Tip 5: Take a shower

The soap I usually used is an oatmeal or lavender soap due to having sensitive skin and ecezema. I developed ecezema when I was either 30 or 31 and seem like it is something that appeared out of nowhere. I never had ecezema before the age of 30, however, as long as I can remember my father always had ecezema.

Since developing ecezema as an adult I have tried so many holistic products and prescription medications/ointments to help prevent my ecezema from spreading. I even changed my eating habits, nevetheless, my ecezema would go away for a short period of time, then reappear. Right now, I am using an oatmeal soap and sensitive skin body wash along with a prescription ointment prescribed by my dermatologist. (I will be discussing my eczema and skin care experience on a future post).

Tip 6: Positive Affirmations ~ The Optimist Creed

This past Saturday, I posted The Optimist Creed which is a doctrine that has allow me to feel and think positively about myself, day, and life. It is a creed that I had since I was a little girl. Click onto link to read the Optimist Creed I believe the Optimist Creed will have a positive effect on your mind, body, and spirit.

Tip 7: Meditation/Exercise

I go to the gym 2 to 3 times a week to workout. I start with riding the bike for 10 to 12 minutes as a warm up, then I start with my exercise which consist of jumping jacks, squats, push ups, bridges, crunchies, lunges, and Pilates. Once, I have completed my workout, I will cool down by doing Yoga and Meditation. I am completely “zone out” when I do my cool down as I connect with the positive vibrations of the universe. Meditation is one the most of important part of my workout as it keeps me balance throughout the rest of my day. The days that I don’t go to the gym, I will do a mini workout session in the house or work out by teaching dance classes.

In conclusion, you have received a full description of morning routine and how much work I put into myself before I start my day. Again, I work the 4pm to midnight shift so I can use the entire morning to complete all 7 steps before noon . On the other hand, if you work 9am to 5pm, then this morning routine may not work for you. Nonetheless, maybe you can pick out two of the tips to add into your morning routine before you start your day and let me know what you think. Thank you for reading 7 Tips of My Morning Routine. Don’t forget to connect with us on social media by clicking onto the links below and have a good day.

About The Author


Ayasha Roberson started Urban SociaLites, LLC in June of 2010, she holds a bachelor degree in Sociology from Richard Stockton College and Masters Degree in Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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