August Birthdays

If you are born during the month of August, post your birthday shoutouts and selfies on our website today. In addition, we will help promote your birthday celebration connect with us on social media twitter...

International Day of Friendship: July 30th

Celebration celebrated on July 30 The world is filled with too much hatred, too much fighting and too much mistrust of others. The International Day of Friendship is certainly an opportunity to stop, and to...

Cousin’s Day: July 24th

Cousin's Day honors your Aunt and Uncle's kids. They are those great kids who are likely close to your age, and endure the countless family get togthers with you. If it wasn't for cousins, these family...

Hammock Day celebrated on July 22nd

Summer is in full swing. It's time to slow down and to relax. During the Dog Days of summer (and all of the other summer days, too), there is no better place to slow down and relax, than on a...