Hello, beautiful readers. It is now the season of Advent. Christmas is my favorite holiday because it is the time of year when Jesus’s spirit is the strongest. Most people are more giving at this time of year. That it is the reason why I absolute love this season.

 On the other hand, I know that I have not written a blog posting in months. I have been extremely busy.  I work full time as a Psychiatric Screener in a hospital emergency room. I evaluate children and adults who are having thoughts of wanting to harm themselves or others. You can only imagine how busy it has been for mental health and crisis workers who work in emergency rooms throughout this country. It has always pretty busy in the emergency room. However, during the pandemic, I have evaluated so many people who didn’t have any prior psychiatric history or treatment. They were referred to our services because they were experiencing increased suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Most of my colleagues have been overwhelmed, but it has not affected me the same way because I am a spiritually grounded person. I meditate and pray daily. I also exercise at home and playing my chakra bowls which helps keep my energy vibrations high.

Overall, I am very thankful that I made it through this year. I never imagined that 2020 would be the year of the Coronavirus and that many people would lose their jobs due to the pandemic. Even though we are at the end of the year, I still feel that there is more to come. I’m not sure of what will come is good or bad, but I will say there is more to come before the end of 2020.

                As far as my business is concerned, there was a lot of transition within my own personal life, so I was not able to put much work into my company this year.  God gave me the opportunity to become a certified spiritual life coach, an experience which has changed and healed me in so many ways. I have always had a spiritual connection to God, starting when I was seven years old. But when I was in my late 20’s, after a painfully failed relationship, I started to soul search. This led me to become spiritually awaken, which me to a deep understand of myself and my purpose. I deeply believe that this is the reason why God placed into my spirit the idea to start this blog which allows me to share experiences that will hopefully have a positive impact on your life.

                What do I think about the year 2020? I noticed that most people have had an extremely hard time coping with the pandemic. Prior to Covid-19, most people were used to travelling and going where they wanted to go. Then public health officials start to warn and advise the public about social distancing and wearing masks. Many people felt like that their constitutional rights and livelihoods were being taken away. I understand how they feel to an extent, because no one likes wearing a mask all day and every day.  However, I know that the Coronavirus is very real and at the beginning people were “dropping” like flies. Codes were being called everywhere in the hospital. Even though we have a protocol in process, we still have over 100 patients hospitalized at my hospital with Covid.  I must wear a mask and required PPE, especially when I come in contact with Covid-positive patients because I do not want to contract the virus or make anyone else sick. I always tend to think about others before thinking about myself. As long as I can remember, I always been that kind of person. Even though I live by herself, I still live around others so I always walk out of the house with a mask even though I will see others wearing no mask when they leave their house, walk to their cars, or even when running errands. I learned a long time ago, I cannot change what people do say, do, or feel. The only person that can change another person’s behavior, attitude, heart, and feelings is God. I just keep people in my prayers and keep moving. How did I deal with the pandemic? The pandemic did not bother me much. Prior to Covid, I was not travelling to go on vacation or going out that much, so it did not bother me that I had to stay in the house especially during our state shutdown in March and April. The only thing that bother me a little was when New Jersey’s curfew had everything shutdown by 8pm. All the 24-hour Walgreens were shut down and because I work the 4pm to midnight shift, it had been convenient for me to run into a Walgreens quickly before going home. I wasn’t able to do that during the shutdown period. Other than that, pandemic or the shutdown did not have a

negative impact on me. On the other hand, I did notice that I was spending too much money on purchasing hot teas from Starbucks. ( I absolutely love Tazo teas). Once I noticed how much money I was spending a week on teas from Starbucks, I began to purchase an entire box of tea from the supermarket and take the tea bags to work, which was much more cost-effective for me. Nevertheless, in conversations with a couple of my colleagues and coworkers, they told me that were not able to make adjustments to their budgets or save much money because they have children who are home. Their household expenses increased significantly as a result.

What I am looking forward in 2021? I am looking forward to writing my blog more consistently, tapings do for Fit N Fabulous & USL Lifestyle, starting my new radio show, and possibly going back to school to obtain another degree.

My prayer for you now into 2021 is this: that God will give you peace with what you are not able to change. I am also praying that God will allow you to forgive those that hurt you and most importantly, to forgive yourself. My dad used to say to me all the time, “we all sinned and fall short by the glory of God,” which means nobody is perfect.

I pray that this blog post will inspire, enlighten, and empower you throughout the rest of 2020. I am looking forward to next blog in the upcoming new year. Have a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God Bless.





About The Author


Ayasha Roberson started Urban SociaLites, LLC in June of 2010, she holds a bachelor degree in Sociology from Richard Stockton College and Masters Degree in Administrative Science from Fairleigh Dickinson University.

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