Does this sound familiar to you? You are in the 17-21 age bracket. You have completed high school or a year in a college. You do not have a clue about what to do with your life. You also don’t really know how the real world operates. Along with all this, you have a lot of free time on your hand. The real nightmare can be that you don’t know what to do with yourself.

In my day, students could not seriously consider many different propositions for many different or unusual careers. But this is now a possibility. Globalization and the technological revolution have changed the rules of work throughout the world.

One possible career that you may not have considered is working on a cruise ship or an ocean liner. Why should you consider working on an ocean liner? This line of work gives you both the ability to get paid for your work as well as an opportunity to discover and explore a new world, all while you’re on your own. Does visiting the Caribbean Islands or Europe sound interesting? Would you like to see how other young people like yourself live? Depending on the cruise line, you might have the opportunity to visit, work and learn about many different places.

This adventure of seeing the world can allow you to really think about your career goals without distractions. Travelling affords you an education like no other, one that expands your intellectual horizons. Exposure to different cultures would allow you to evaluate yourself, your goals, and career possibilities. This adventure might reveal talents you never knew you possessed.

This experience would provide the “young and restless” person (that’s you) the time to formulate and crystallize your career goals. Do not waste the precious time you have at this point of your life. This is a huge world. Experience it before you have to act as like a responsible adult. Use your time wisely and use your summer as a tool to examine what the world is really about. This will assist you in determining your destiny and who knows you might have a good time and personal enjoyment too.

Your time during the summer is a valuable asset. Whether you pursue a position that allows you to travel, or another position, finding a summer adventure is a way to get out of a rut. Look for any type of experience that may lead to positive growth and personal discovery of yourself.

Make use of your local library and ask your librarian for information about foreign shipping, cruise lines or other travel related careers, or summer opportunities. You can also Google this information yourself. Get started on the adventure of a lifetime. Good luck on your discovery of yourself!

The Crawford Chronicles

Warren Crawford, Esq., Attorney at Law, has over 25 years of experience working for the State of New Jersey Department of Corrections. Make sure you read the Crawford Chronicles, published the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 11:00 AM, EST at It might save your life – because your life matters!



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