National Men make Dinner 2
Each year on the first Thursday in November,  men take charge in the kitchen as it is National Men Make Dinner Day.
There are some men that like to cook and do so on a regular basis and to those men, kuddos to you and you can submit your favorite recipe on the National Men Make Dinner website.
This day was created for the men who do not know their way around the kitchen so well and are not familiar with the stove and oven and for the women in their lives who need a break.
Men need to be aware that there are a list of rules that must be followed, some of which include:
  • The main meal must include a minimum of 4 ingredients and require at least one cooking utensil other than a fork.
  • Man goes shopping for ‘all’ necessary ingredients.
  • Must clean up as you go.
  • Aprons are optional.

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