International Peace Day seeks a global cessation of violence and war. Each year on this day, celebrations are held in hundreds of countries, all with the same goal in mind….to stop war and violence. Created and sponsored by the United Nations, this day seeks to end war, starting today.

The United Nations goal for this day is “a day of non-violence and cease fire”. Wouldn’t it be nice if this one day succeeded and spread, country by country, day by day, until there is no more war or violence. Can this goal ever succeed?  Former Beatle John Lennon had the right vision in his song “Imagine“.

See more on this special day, at the United Nations Webpage on International Peace Day.

Also see World Peace Day

Origin of International Peace Day:

International Peace Day was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 (resolution 36/67). It was first held on the third Tuesday of September, starting in 1982. Beginning in 2002, the UN General Assembly changed the date, setting September 21st as the date for yearly celebration.


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