Editor: By Ayasha J. Roberson, MAS, CSLC, EMDR, Color Therapist, Feng Shui Consultant

It is Leo Season, everyone! I absolutely love this fire sign as it allows us to activate and work on
our self-esteem, self-confidence and to be fierce. It is hard for most people to channel the energy
of this powerful fire sign of Leo. As a result, many people have problems with low self-esteem
and confidence, which leads people to engage in risky and dangerous relationships. It’s so
important to develop balance and gain a good sense of who you are. This all relates to your
We’ll discuss more on this later. But first let’s talk about Leo season and color therapy – we’ll go
over what colors to embody with the foods we eat and the colors that we wear.
Colors for Leo season
During Leo season, the colors to wear and eat are red, orange, and yellow. Red symbolizes the
sun and will help you become energetic and give you the courage, strength, bravery, and vitality
to pursue whatever goals that you desire. You can wear red or eat red fruits and vegetables such
as strawberries, beets, tomatoes, red peppers, red apples, watermelon, etc.
However, you should be aware that if you have a problem with controlling your anger, you
should not wear red as it will make you more irritated, angry, impatient, and/or aggressive. Red
is also connected to the Root Chakra, which gives us a sense of security mainly through
relationships, especially through trust. If your trust has been violated throughout your life,
especially during childhood, then you should focus on this chakra with your therapist or holistic
Orange is another power color to wear for this season. Orange has less intensity than red and will
bring you a sense of calmness. It will bring the success, happiness, confidence, and balance that
you deserve. You can wear orange nail polish or clothing, or eat orange fruits and vegetables
such as carrots, oranges, cantaloupe and sweet potatoes. Orange is also connected to the Sacral
Chakra, where our creativity and sexuality lie. Eating or wearing orange will help to activate this
chakra and/or help keep it aligned.
The last color of Leo season to focus on is yellow. Yellow helps with mental clarity, optimism,
self-esteem, wisdom, and inspiration. It allows us to work on emotional health. Yellow is


connected to the Solar Plexus chakra. Most people have some low self-esteem, a sense of
lacking power, or suffer from anxiety. If that is you, then your solar plexus might be closed.
Eating yellow vegetables and fruit will help us to activate and open this chakra and/or help keep
it balanced. Summer is a great time to consume healthy, non-alcoholic yellow fruit drinks such
as lemonade, pina colada, and banana smoothies.
Let’s talk about numerology
For the month of July, we had three 777 portals — July 7, July 16, and July 25 — very powerful
for transformation and manifestation. Currently we are undergoing the Lion gate which started
on July 26 and ends on August 12. The peak is August 8 – on this date your dreams and desires
will rapidly manifest into the earth’s plane. This means our dreams will become our reality.
Portal days are very powerful in numerology because they allow us to connect to this special
kind of energy when we are manifesting everything our heart desires.
However, most people have a hard time manifesting on a consistent basis. They have so many
negative beliefs, thoughts, and feelings in both their conscious and subconscious minds which
prevent them from manifesting. If this is you, make sure you start working on changing this
negativity with your therapist or holistic practitioner.

Focusing on healing yourself during this Leo season
The sun loves Leo because this sign is ruled by the Sun. Leo is about healing ourselves on a
psycho spiritual level. During Leo Season, continue to heal as the universe reveals to you in
divine timing the thing behind, behind the thing. It is about your healing process and nobody
else’s. Don’t focus on what your mother, sister, brother, father, or friends are not doing, just
focus on yourself. This is your healing journey. Remember the other things that have resurfaced
since you have been on your journey and how you want to heal from them. I always tell my
clients, make a declaration/request to the universe. The universe will guide you to the right
person at this part of your healing journey. Just know when you make this request, this is our
transformation moment which the spiritual world will receive and grant. You just need to ask
yourself: Are You Ready?
In the meantime, journal daily to help you release what you are feeling. It is normal, necessary,
and natural for you to feel your feelings. Whatever you are feeling, release it all through
journaling. You can also release your feelings through meditation, prayer, or taking some me
time for yourself (which can be used as a mental health break). As you start to do these activities
on a regular basis, you will start to vibrate on a higher frequency and the universe will lead you
to the right person through your healing journey.
Here are some reminders of upcoming events. We have a Supermoon Full Moon on August 1 and
2, which will be in the sign of Aquarius. If you have your healing and intention letters, make sure
you burn them safely to release what no longer serves you or to tell the universe you already


have things you desire. After the Lion gate (July 26-August 12), the next New Moon will be on
August 16. You can write your new healing and intention letters during this time.
I hope that you enjoyed reading this edition of SaturYourDay’s Leo Season edition. I am looking
forward to writing the next blog for Virgo Season, which begins on August 23. Mercury
retrograde will also begin. I’ll discuss this and more in the Virgo season blog.
Until next time, have a beautiful weekend, thank you for setting your day with SaturYourDay.
Lift Your Spirit, my psycho spiritual holistic wellness company is where we combine mental
health with spirituality to help your mental needs through astrology, numerology, color therapy,
feng shui and other alternative modalities. To learn more, go to liftyourspiritrightnow.com

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