It is very kind of you to visit this important page, and learn more about World Kindness Day.

World Kindness Day encourages us to be kind to others, helping to create a nicer, better world.

According to the World Kindness Movement website, World Kindness Day is intended to “build a kinder and more compassionate world”.

Use today as an opportunity to be kind to family, friends, neighbors, and others. You will find kindness rubs off on others, and generates even more kindness.  

Also see Random Acts of Kindness Day

Origin of World Kindness Day:

World Kindness Day evolved from a series of conferences in 1996-1997 in Japan by a group known as the World Kindness Movement. These conferences brought together groups interested in promoting more kindness around the world.  It culminated in the “Declaration of Kindness” on November 13,1997. With this declaration, a new and very special day was born.

Thanksgiving celebrate on November 24th

 Tucked between the two monster sized holidays of Halloween and Christmas, Thanksgiving receives far less attention. But Thanksgiving is a very important holiday, especially in the busy lives of Americans. It is a time to kick back and relax, watch a football game or go to a movie, and enjoy a huge feast. It’s also time for us to give thanks to our God, for the things

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